Well, friendly neighborhood readers, I am suffering a dilemma.. I have the means, and the desire to start a new Army. My problem is, I have a few different styles of army I am looking into and am at an impasse as to what to buy.
So, allow me to put up generic lists, as the specifics still aren't solidified and you tell me what sounds fun...
oh, and for the purpose of making sure im playing something neat and new... I now have a Razorspam BloodAngel army, a GK Landraider based army, Chaos Daemons (I know, I know, but they looked great on paper.), Eldar Harlequins ala Fritz40k and a Khorne army, from back when Khorne was cool.
Please note these are all 2k lists, I can always scale down.
So, up first is a GK Henchie army thanks to Coteaz.
- 4 Jokaero in Chimeras x 3
- 7 man squads of Death cult assassins backed up by 3 henchies with meltas. In Rhinos. x3
- 2 Ven and 3 support dreads all psyflemen (Psybolt with two twinklinked a.c. arms)
Next up Is a Dark Eldar list..
- Lots of raiders with 5xwracks w a liquifier.
- a haemonculus as a HQ choice, making wracks troops.
- A few trueborn with dark lances.
- ravagers with DL and flickerfields x3
- BeastMasters with flocks and khymaera
- One squad of clowns, because I <3 them.
And finally a SW army. Lots of melta and missiles and mark of the wulfens.
So, what do you think lovely readers? which to go with?